Home Opinion Who Drives Better, A Professional Or A Learner? | Emmanuel Adepoju

Who Drives Better, A Professional Or A Learner? | Emmanuel Adepoju



It is the dream of every passenger to board a vehicle and alight at his destination in peace. While sitting in the vehicle at the motor park, it will be too difficult to know the expertise of the driver unless he takes off. The manner at which he handles the steering on the highway, will make or mar the journey. Whenever a round peg is put in a round hole, the result is always fruitful, but when a square peg is put in a round hole, it results in futility.

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This illustration can be likened to the appointment of the Executive Chairman of the State Universal Basic Education Board, SUBEB, Oyo State, Dr. Nureni Aderemi Adeniran and the happenings in the Sector since his assumption.
It is no more news that the Executive Governor of Oyo State, Engr Seyi Abiodun Makinde appointed former Commissioner for Education in the State, Dr. Nureni Aderemi Adeniran as the Executive Chairman, Oyo State Universal Basic Education Board, SUBEB.
The appointment to some of us who have been the followers of Dr. Nureni Adeniran for some years, was not a surprise. He is well-read, intelligent, committed, dedicated, humane and focused. Dr Adeniran has an intimidating good records as a Lawyer, Scholar, an Administrator and a Politician. His antecedents are paving ways for him and he has never compromised what he believes in.
On getting to hear of his appointment in Oyo State as the Executive Chairman of SUBEB, the first thing that came to my mind was that, wow! The Governor has gotten it right in the Basic Education sector. Once a round peg is put in around hole, there will always be positive results. So, Dr. Adeniran is completely fit for the job. Thanks to His Excellency, Governor Seyi Makinde (GSM).
Before the appointment of Dr. Nureni Adeniran as the Chairman of SUBEB in Oyo State, he has been helping people in education and has also been a mentor and rolemodel to many. He has never been found wanting and he will never betray the trust reposed in him. It is not an exaggeration that Dr. Adeniran, since his appointment has raised the bar of Basic Education in Oyo State, repositioning SUBEB with adherence to its mandate of ensuring universal basic education.
His unprecedented records as the former Executive Chairman, Ibadan SouthWest Local Government and Commissioner for Education in Oyo State also attest to his selfless and purposeful leadership. He has made giant strides in all the positions given to him, leaving legacy footprints.
Dr. Nureni Aderemi Adeniran is a proactive team leader, exemplary manager who leads by example and astute politician who is loyal to his Principal, Governor Seyi Makinde. He does not allow distractions from any quarter to hinder him from achieving the set goals of service to humanity.
Within a year in office as the Executive Chairman of SUBEB in Oyo State, Dr. Adeniran has achieved unprecedented achievements, ranging from construction of new projects, completion of abandoned projects, renovations of Basic Schools, introduction of new policies in the Basic Education sector and efficient and effective administration of the Board.

He has always been attributing the success story of SUBEB in Oyo State to the Governor’s passion for quality, sound and compulsory basic education for all, which has made the Governor for the first in the State to commit 22.37% of the total budget for education. The Governor did not only abolish payment of school fees, but also went to make entrance registration forms into all public schools free of charge in the State.

The manner at which the Executive Chairman of SUBEB in Oyo State is leading the Board has drastically reduced the rate of drop-out pupils from the formal school system in the State. There are now motivations for both teachers and pupils with an improved and efficient monitoring mechanism put in place by the Board.

After the Governor, Engr. Seyi Makinde appointed Dr. Nureni Aderemi Adeniran as the Executive Chairman of SUBEB, Oyo State in June, 2019, Dr. Adeniran never wasted time, because he understands and knows the terrain, having been a Commissioner for Education and Local Government Boss in the State. He knows what to do, when to do them and how to do them. Therefore, he was not caught unaware. His first major assignment was to enforce strict compliance with the free education policy of Mr. Governor, Engr Seyi Makinde. Dr. Adeniran who is an Educationist per excellence, visited all public primary Schools in the State to ascertain the level of decadence. He went, saw and queried some Head-Teachers, who derived joy in putting financial burdens on the innocent pupils and their parents as against the Government’s directives of free education. Since that singular act, the teachers have now sat up and alive to their legitimate responsibilities

A visit to public primary schools in Oyo State will make you appreciate the Board and State Government for the improved quality assurance through regular visits of the Executive Chairman, SUBEB to them in order to ensure that the teaching and learning processes are strictly followed. The Board also identified the missing link in the education sector, which necessitated the Board to re-introduce Monitoring and Supervision with follow up to happenings in the Schools.

Another giant stride is the re-introduction of Running Grants to Schools for the day-to-day running of activities that can enhance their performance. Having received the grants from the government, what excuse will any Teacher give as the reason for extortion? I think there should be no reason for that dastard and saboteur act from the Teachers.

Dr. Adeniran who can be likened to a workaholic, does not sit comfortably in the office dishing out instructions, he sets the pace for other people to follow and shows them how to make things work. He always embarks on unscheduled visits to Basic Schools across the State to see things by himself and be sure nobody in the Sector is sabotaging the efforts of Mr. Governor in his quest to restore the glory of Oyo State and make it retain its name “PACESETTER STATE”.
He does not just do all these by happenstance, he strongly believes in the successes of Governor Seyi Makinde-led administration in Oyo State. When the Governor assumed office in 2019, he met backlogs of salaries owed Teachers. As a people’s Governor with human face, he intervened. He ordered payment without delay, all the arrears across all Local Government Areas Universal Basic Education Authorities owed to about 8,500 Primary School Teachers by the previous administration.

Also, Governor Seyi Makinde through SUBEB has committed huge resources to the development of abandoned projects in Schools, constructing new ones and renovating many dilapidated buildings in the Basic Schools. Over 125 FGN-UBEC/OYOSUBEB Intervention Projects have been completed and many refurbished by the State Government. The projects include, but not limited to Model schools with 12 classrooms, sick bays, Computer rooms, laboratories, libraries etc. The fully furnished schools are with boreholes to give potable water to the Staff and pupils of the affected Schools. The selected Schools cut across all the geopolitical Zones of the State, Ibadan, Ibarapa, Ogbomoso, Oke-Ogun and Oyo.

Within one year in Office, Oyo SUBEB can boast of over twenty-two Model Schools, that have been commissioned for the use of Oyo State people.

Oyo SUBEB during the COVID-19 lockdown of schools, introduced Learning –On-Air Radio broadcast for primary school pupils in the State. To make the programme attractive to the pupils, the Board initiated the idea of giveaways, with Cash prize for winners.

Ahead of Schools’ resumption, Oyo SUBEB distributed facemasks to all non-teaching and teaching staff across the 33 Local Government Universal Basic Education Authority in the State. This, no doubt, is part of precautionary measures taken by the Board to contain the spread of Coronavirus.
Without being immodest, Oyo State is really blessed to have a Governor, Engr Seyi Makinde who surrounds himself with visionary appointee like Dr. Nureni Adeniran, who can join him to drive the State to its Pace Setting and enviable one among the comity of States. Oyo State has never had it so good like the present administration. The Governor who is not perturbed by what few disgruntled people are saying, he remains lover of majority with his humility, selflessness and responsiveness. A Governor who is a perfect epitome of a good leader with uncompromising standards. Governor Seyi Makinde is no doubt, a pragmatic, quintessential and charismatic leader who is stabilising Oyo State. With all the qualities of GSM, why will the Executive Chairman of SUBEB, Dr Nureni Aderemi Adeniran, who is also a compassionate man, not be having sleepless nights on how to make the State Basic Education be the best and point of reference among the comity of States of the Federation? After all, “Ajisebi Oyo l’aari, Oyo kii sebi baba enikookan”.
It is therefore imperative that we all support the Governor, Engr Seyi Makinde for him to continue with the good works he has started in Oyo State. Let us all shun politics of bitterness. Politics is over, it is now time for governance. Oyo State belongs to all of us. We should avoid the act of pull him down syndrome. Collective aspirations should be our priority, not individual and selfish interest to the detriment of the masses. Good things come to those who believe, Better things come to those who are patient and the Best things come to those who do not give up. GSM is working, Oyo State is progressing!!!! Indeed, Governor Seyi Makinde is Walking the Talk!
Dr. Nureni Aderemi Adeniran had his secondary education at the Muslim Grammar School, Odinjo, Ibadan where he passed out with outstanding performance. He thereafter proceeded to the prestigious University of Ibadan for his first degree in Adult Education and Political Science, Master’s degree in Communication Arts and PhD degree in Community Development. Dr. Nureni Adeniran also added LL. B degree to his cap from the same University of Ibadan, which qualifies him to attend Nigerian Law School, Lagos and was called to Bar.
He was at a time a Lecturer at the Kaduna Polytechnic, Senior Lecturer in Mass Communication Department, Lead City University, Ibadan; Executive Chairman, Ibadan Southwest Local Government and a Commissioner for Education, Oyo State.

Emmanuel Adepoju writes from Alakia, Ibadan

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