Home Opinion Inside Oyo Town, Where Political Affiliation Overwhelms Patriotism | Titilola Babatunde Dayo

Inside Oyo Town, Where Political Affiliation Overwhelms Patriotism | Titilola Babatunde Dayo


The first objection you might raise when you read the above is if it is every possible not to owe allegiance. Of if loyalty is not so sacred, maybe we would have followers disobeying their masters’ orders. In any way you put it, we cannot but face the reality that looks right at us in the face. And when reality brings a necessity, the task is to do what is expected.

The same cannot be said of Oyo town political environment. Oftentimes, we get swept away by mere illusions created by the supposed leaders. Generally, even, it has become the case where the citizens manipulate patriotism into political loyalty. The sight that should function with rationality has been enchanted byfake reality – a somewhat unreal world created by sweet mouths and wads of cash.

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Rather than elevate patriotism as a principle to deal with the political development in the town, many supporters are only making claims to elevate their masters instead. Perhaps we could conclude that patriotism has shifted from town love to a more personalized and subjected loyalty to celebrated political artists.

What’s more?

It surprising and at the same time quite disappointing to see that those who are supposed to be catalysts for the good future have become the instruments for killing it. As it appears, the power that should be in the hands of the youths to build a progressive political arena has been exchanged for a rather insignificant thing. Alas, the prince becomes a servant.

It would not have reached this boiling point if the youths do not posses the hypocritical character. Instead, they thought they are best at serving the town and serving the politicians. The unfortunate news is that it is quite impossible. Even Jesus was blunt to say this.

Now, loving the town is great and having support for a politician is not bad either. But what happens when there is a conflict of interest? Of which there is every certainty. You could fault the youths in two ways. One is the continuous over-glorification of their masters for every little thing they do. Our media-freak youths are quick to flood their social handles celebrating every task undertaken by their leaders even when it appears that it is their duty to be responsible. Yes, it’s good to appreciate, but in this case, it is usually too much, and to spite oppositions.

Miraculously, their social energy disappears when it is time to talk about their leaders’ failures or shortcomings. Thus, making the second fault. Well, it is not so much of a surprise. After all, they owe their loyalty to whoever pays them, and the town cannot afford tons of crates of bears and data subscriptions.

Back to the objection that might have crossed your mind. It is okay to be utterly loyal to whoever you support. But when you have to defend the future of your town from the hands of your paymasters, you should not be found in hiding. In a town that is in dire need for social, political, economic, and infrastructural development, the task should be about seeking progress and nothing else.

Conclusions are not necessary at this point. There is a clear target of this article – the youths. And everybody else that hides behind the paying master but fails to embrace the impoverished town. Involvement in politics should go beyond fighting social media wars for your masters. Everything comes back to how far the town has come. If you cannot put your town first; if you cannot publicly and jointly hold your masters responsible; if you prefer the popularity that comes with being close to politicians to being called the town’s warrior, then you cannot call yourself a patriot because you are not.

While you go on about being what you choose to be for your masters and the town, remember that what needs to be said should not be bottled up and humanity begins to die the moment those who can talk fail to.


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