OYO 2023: We’re For Everyone, Didn’t Endorse Makinde — Ibadan Chief Imam


    League of Imams and Alfas in Oyo-State has debunked a news story making waves online that the Chief Imam of Ibadan Land, and by extension, the grand Imam in the state, Sheikh Abdul-Ganiy Agbotomokekere and the umbrella body of the Islamic clerics, in the state, have endorsed Governor Seyi Makinde for second term in office.

    According to a release by the umbrella body of the clerics,”We’re nonpartisan umbrella body of Imams and Alfas in the state. We’ve not endorsed anybody and we’re not planning to do so.

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    In the release, the Chief Imam, Sheikh Agbotomokekere maintained that he is father to all politicians and he will not take side against any one of them. Chief Imam stated that he will never stoop so low to do so, especially, in the Sacred Central Mosque, Ojaaba, of Ibadan Land.”Mosques are sacred places of worship of Allah. They’re not meant for worldly activities or partisan agenda. So, me and other clerics will never desecrate houses of Allah.

    “Though, we’ll always appreciate those who spend in the cause of Allah but we’ll never trade ourselves for any worldly materials. Bi IzniLahi, we will never deviate from pristine tenets of Sunnah and Kitab as laid down by Prophet Muhammad and revealed by Allah SWT.

    Sheik Agbotomokekere prayed to Almighty Allah, to use his omnipotence and mightiness to appoint good leaders for the state and Nigeria at large.

    Chief Imam encouraged all the good citizens of Oyo-State and Nigeria, at large, to troop out enmass, tomorrow, to vote for candidates of their choice.”Fellow compatriots, let’s all come out tomorrow, to vote candidates of our choice,especially, those that we’re convinced that they’ll engender peace, prosperity, progress and unity. So help us Allah. Thanks.

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