Home News ‘Okada’ Rider Turn World Boxing Champion — Untold Story Of Oje-born Scorpion

‘Okada’ Rider Turn World Boxing Champion — Untold Story Of Oje-born Scorpion


After a thrilling fight to win the World Boxing Federation (WBF) International Super Featherweight title on December 27, 2020, for Nigerian Ridwan ‘Scorpion’ Oyekola, it was a long walk to stardom having experienced an extremely rough ride. Life has not been so rosy for Oyekola who showed his great potential with an outstanding win over Argentinean Lucas Mattias Montesino in the fight tagged ‘Fight of the Year’ by WBF.

Oyekola secured a unanimous decision against Montesino after ten rounds of action packed bout to win the coveted WBF title in Ibadan-Oyo state. He also created history as it was the first time after 57 years that a Nigerian will be winning a world boxing title on local soil after late Dick Tiger.  

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Before life smiled on Oyekola, he had tasted the bitter end of existence. He hawked drugs, then, poultry and was a commercial motorcycle operator.

Armed with only a secondary school certificate, Oyekola had little parental support as a youngster, and to make ends meet he had to do menial jobs to survive.

He said: “After I finished my secondary education at Islamic High School in Bashorun in Ibadan, I used to sell drugs at Agbeni in Ibadan. We call it ‘chemist work.’ I started as an apprentice but when I graduated there is no money to establish. So I started to hustle and when there was no job I moved to Lagos to sell cockerel, broilers, and layers around Mowe. We used to put them inside a cage and hawk them around Mowe and Ibafo that time. I left the trade when I fell into a pool of water and the chicken died, and I lost all I had made from the business.”

In between amateur boxing and turning professional, he also operated commercial motorcycle. “I got into ‘okada’ (commercial motorcycle) business in Ibadan. I used to ply Gate-Bere-Molete to Challenge-Orita-New Garage-Podo routes. It was when I met my promoter Olusola Ayodele that I stopped riding ‘okada’ and he took care of me to get to this level.”

Boxing promoter Ayodele recounted how their path met, “I met Ridwan when he was working as an ‘okada’ rider. I flagged him down at Gate area of Ibadan. On our way I saw some people hailing and calling him ‘boxer’. Out of curiosity I asked him if truly he was a boxer and he said yes. When he dropped me at my office in Imalefalafia area, I paid him and he left but to my surprise, he resurfaced again with a polythene bag and showed me some of the medals and certificates he had won as a boxer. I was moved and impressed by what I saw in him wondering how someone could have all these medals in his kitty and still be suffering. I saw medals he had won for Oyo State at National Sports Festivals and other boxing competitions yet cannot make ends meet. I decided to promote his boxing ambition and I realized he’s a faithful and sincere person, we thank God he has become a champion today.”

After his feat Nigeria President Mohammadu Buhari and Oyo State Governor Engr. Seyi Makinde after winning the vacant WBF World title belt.

Though, Oyekola grew up in a tough environment of Oje-Ibadan where the ability to defend oneself against bullies comes naturally, he would have not gone into boxing, if his girlfriend and pride were not on line.    

He said: “I started boxing because I was being bullied in my area in Oje in Ibadan. It happened that one Sunday I was escorting my girlfriend and a guy intimidated me. I challenged him and the boy, who I did not know was a boxer, beat me blue-black. He embarrassed me in front of my girlfriend and her friends and I was ashamed. That drove me to train in boxing.”

Of course, his parents would not hear of it and they discouraged him. “When I started, my parents were against it. They won’t give me food or money because they believed only irresponsible boys do boxing. They would ask if I wanted to be a street fighter, that a responsible person doesn’t do boxing. However, I was focused and was going for training without their knowledge. So while I was learning how to sell drugs, I would still go for training in the evening. After training, I would jog home.”

Oyekola improved within a short time and got the attention of Oyo State Sport Council and began to represent them at amateur meets.   

 “One day my Dad saw one of my fights on television. He was happy and he gave his blessing. My father and mother were at ringside during my WBF fight at Ilaji Resort. They are extremely happy after I won the belt. They are proud of my accomplishments. I am happy that I have made something of myself through boxing. I am yet to reach my target in boxing. I am aiming higher. I have the full support of my parents because whenever they walk on the street, people hail them as ‘daddy Scorpion’, and ‘mummy Scorpion’. I now support my parents and siblings financially.

Like they say, ‘success has many friends,’ the girl that left him for a better fighter is planning a comeback into his life now that he’s famous.     


“She has gone her way but recently launched a comeback when she got to know I’m now a famous boxer. Though, we got married and had a kid together, she left me due to my financial status, then. Women are not my focus right now. I have career to develop.”

Oyekola spoke more on his sojourn to stardom in the interview with Olanrewaju Agiri, excerpts:


 How do you manage advances from ladies now that your status has changed for the better?

I politely turn-off advances from ladies. I want to focus on my career and make headway in boxing before thinking of settling down with a woman. I handle advances in a polite manner.

Will you allow your kids to take to boxing?

Only God knows the path everybody will take to be successful in life. If God says one of my children will box, all good. But, if He says they will make it through other means, no problem. However, it is my wish that one of my kids take to boxing.

How did you feel after beating Lucas Matias Montesino?

I was very happy. I can’t really describe my feelings that night. I just know I’m happy to emerge victorious, the guy came very prepared.

Montesino really gave you a real fight?

Yes! He gave me a tough time. No fighter has ever given me a tough time like he did. I never laboured like that since I took boxing as a career. But, I prepared well, trained hard and fought very well too and then God was on my side. Montesino really rattled me, I must tell you the truth but I was more determined and returned all his punches with multiple knocks expecting him to give-in especially at the third round that my right hook landed and he fell into a corner. I had to dig deeper. He’s a good boxer.

How can you describe the support you got from your fans?

The fans were morale support. I have a large fans base in Ibadan; if not for the Covid19 protocol they would have come en-mass to support me. Their support really propelled me to put everything I have into the fight; I thank them very much for their love for boxing. Now, in Ibadan, they watch boxing than football because there’s no amount of money they cannot pay to watch boxing. People pay as much as N5000 to 50000 to watch boxing and the same cannot be said about football.

What was going through your mind when coming into the ring?

All I was thinking is how to destroy my opponent, because I know what is at stake. I watched his training in Nigeria and I understand that he’s a good boxer. I had a plan and as I walked into the ring, that was plan was uppermost on my mind.

How do you intend to spend the money you got from this big win?

Boxing money is not what you can spend alone. I will extend it to many people. At the end of the day, I will have to be contented with what is left, but I believe there will be more good things to come with this belt. For example a fan, Abdulwahab Adekunle Hamex gifted me a car that is worth N6 million. I’m grateful to him. Before the fight he had been telling me that he’s going to give me a car if I win. He also whispered it into my ear when I was walking the ring.  They are part of what motivated me to destroy my opponent.

How did you prepare for the fight?

Ha! I prepared very well. Big thanks must go to my promoter, Core Afrique Boxing Promotion and my trainer, Coach Sunny Bruce for the training and care they gave to me prior to the fight, I was in closed camping for three months ahead of this fight. I trained morning and evening and abstained from women throughout.

What is your pro record like?

I have fought six fights since I turned professional. I fought Lukman Hogan Jimoh Jr at Boxing Night 13 and knocked him out in 17 seconds. My second fight was at another boxing show against Prince Lion Nwoye at Police College in Ikeja. I defeated him but because he was at home, it was declared a draw. He challenged me again in Ibadan at the GOtv Boxing Night 15 and I defeated him. I faced Nurudeen “Prince” Fatai in a national lightweight challenge bout at GOtv Boxing Night 17 that was held at Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos and beat him. I dethroned long-reigning champion, Taofeek ‘Taozon’ Bisuga at the GOtv Boxing Night 18 to win National super featherweight belt. I fought Sikiru ‘Omo Iya Eleja’ Shogbesan at National Stadium in Lagos on October 12 and lost controversially to him before my fight against Montesino.

Now as a world title belt holder, what is your advice to other boxers?

I want to urge boxers in the country not to relent. There will always be challenges. I went through a very tough time that I almost gave up, but I never did. When I was an amateur boxer with Oyo State Sports Council, I was getting half salary that could not sustain me for a week not to talk of the whole month. I will walk to training and back. Most of the time I sleep on empty stomach and wake up with nothing to eat, I didn’t give up on my training. They should not relent, keep praying, when you pray, there is nothing God cannot do. I want to advise them not to take drug; it’s a fast killer of career. I have never smoked or taken any substances in my life. When God answers one’s prayer, it will get to a stage that people will not know how you make your money. Favour will just be coming from right, left and centre. You just have to endure, and there is no job that does not have its obstacles. Perseverance is the key to success.

So, what is your next target?

I am back in training; I train morning and evening. I’m going to the next level. I’m ready to fight anyone to defend my belt anywhere in the world and I know God is behind me. I don’t have any other job than boxing, so I’m ready for anybody that wants to challenge me. And let me use this medium to thank people that contributed to mu success; the media, my promoter, the Governor of Oyo State, Alhaji Hamex, Dotun Sanusi and my fans around the world.




Favourite Food:  Eba and Okro Soup

Favourite Colour:  White

Favourite Boxer:   Floyd Maywheather

Favourite kind of music:  Fuji Saheed Osupa

Favourite Car:   Mercedes

Favourite Designer:   Versace

Favourite holiday destination:   Las Vegas

Mentor:   My Coach and promoter

(Coach Sunny Bruce & Sola Ford)

Low moment:    My Fight with Shogbesan in Lagos where I was robbed

Happiest moment:    My fight against Montesino


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