Home News CORONAVIRUS: Peller Distributes Preventive Materials To Constituents

CORONAVIRUS: Peller Distributes Preventive Materials To Constituents


As part of his own contribution towards combating the spread of the deadly Coronavirus otherwise known as COVID 19, Hon. Shina Peller, a member of the House of Representatives from Iseyin/Itesiwaju/Kajola/Iwajowa federal constituency, yesterday distributed hand sanitizers, gloves and other materials to his constituents across the four local governments in the constituency.

The distribution of the materials which was carried out house to house across the four local governments in the constituency namely Iseyin, Itesiwaju, Kajola and Iwajowa, was applauded and appreciated by the beneficiaries.

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According to Peller, due to the poor state of the health system and health infrastructure in the country, he felt the need to give out the preventive materials as well as educational materials about Coronavirus as he believes that prevention is the best measure in preventing a catastrophe. He also paid attention to proper sensitization through radio jingle, banners, posters and word of mouth on how to curb the spread of this deadly coronalvirus.

In the same vein, he also seized the opportunity to appreciate other individuals who have also reached out to the people by providing relief materials to them at this trying period, whilst he also urged the people to appreciate every little thing that is being given out as a form of encouragement for them to do better.

In addition, he stated that the Coronavirus pandemic is a global issue that affects everyone and urged all to eliminate any sense of entitlement at this trying period, rather he enjoined everyone to contribute in his or her little way towards curbing the spread of the virus.

Similarly, he urged his constituents and Nigerians at large to adhere strictly to all the precautionary measures as laid down by the medical experts, Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC), Ministry of Health, Federal and State governments, whilst he expressed his optimism that the deadly Coronavirus will be defeated sooner or later.

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