Home News CCII: Soladoye Wants To Remain In Office ‘At All Cost’— Group Alleges

CCII: Soladoye Wants To Remain In Office ‘At All Cost’— Group Alleges


Ibadan United, a group of Ibadan Indigenes both home and abroad and some of the leadership of clubs registered under Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes, has alleged that CCII president, Chief Yemi Soladoye, has allegedly perfected plans to keep himself and his other executive members in power at all cost.

Soladoye is seeking re-election.

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But the group in a statement on its behalf, signed by Chief Lanre Ogundipe, stated that “the election being organised is aimed at polarising the acrimonious environment within various clubs/groups in Ibadanland and perpetuating him and his minions in office.”

IBADAN HOUSE ON FIRE: Who Bell The Cat? By Lanre Ogundipe

IN the last few years, the 37 years old the apex organ controlling the indigenous social groups in Ibadanland – CENTRAL  COUNCIL FOR IBADAN INDIGENES (CCII) at various times has displayed strides that had attracted the sons and daughters of the soil to their root. This was due to the fact that emerging leaders were conscious of the fact their role must not conflict with the socio- cultural beliefs of its people. And come what may, the tradition of the ancient city must remain sacrosanct without ambiguity.

This stance had further enhanced the support garnered from Ibadan Indigenes both home and abroad while the the successive leadership at Ibadan House had sustained the tradition of quality leadership except one – the incumbent President-General of the apex organisation.

The past years under his control has ceased to be focused on the cardinal principles of equity in the management of CCII affairs. Trappings of the past leadership had been eroded if not totally erased. Unholy things has brought into the sacred groove of Ibadan House to desecrate the sanctity of once an holy habitation for the Indigenes.

It is on this sad note that  the  IBADAN UNITED – a group of Ibadan Indigenes (both home and abroad) and some of the leadership of clubs registered under CCII  resolved to bring this matter to the attention of the generality of IBADAN PEOPLE to stop the campaign of calumny being spread round by the President General and his cohort.  The  CCII  2019 election being organised is aimed at polarising the  acrimonious environment within various clubs/groups in Ibadanland and perpetuating him and his minions in office.

The  CCII constitution as approved in 2016 stated the conditions under which the elective posts should be conducted and what the role of Electoral Committee should be under the circumstance. All these constitutional provisos are being thrown overboard by the Electoral Committee headed by one Tajudeen O. Aremu to massage the ego of his masters in Ibadan House.

For instance, on February 19, 2019 a statement containing the programme outline of the Electoral Committee duly signed by Messrs Tajudeen O. Aremu and Lateef Gbadamosi, both Chairman and Secretary of the Committee respectively announced the electoral time-table as shown in the table that:

Item number 5 on the time-table reads:  Sales and Submission of Nomination Forms for 2019 General Elections starts February 1 and closes March 1, 2019.

While affiliate club members were getting prepared to nominate those who become its standard bearers for various posts in the election, Yemi Soladoye and his REBIRTH GROUP had illegally secured forms and distributed to their cronies, thus jumping the gun before the race was flagged off by the supposedly independent Electoral committee.

From the Sponsoring Constituent Club’s Declaration signed for Abiola Abdullahi Alli on January 25, 2019 is illegal and reflects taking over of functions of Electoral Committee by Soladoye, a competitor and his Executive. One expects the “independent” Electoral

Committee to have spotted the illegality and disregard Abiola Abdullahi Alli’s nomination.

On 24th February, Omo Aj’orosun Club  nominated Shittu Adebisi Abdkhaliq who obtained his form legally within stipulated time for the Post of President General. The Electoral Committee now elevates the illegal to level of the illegal to justify their plan of disqualifying both contestants. However, as shown below, Omo Ajorosun Club wrote immediately  to confirm that SHITTU is its  only official candidate of the Club.

Primarily there wouldn’t have been cause to raise alarm if the Electoral Committee had restricted itself to the constitution provisions instead of resorting to jungle justice in the the discharge of its task.

Primarily there wouldn’t have been cause to raise alarm if the Electoral Committee had restricted itself to the constitution provisions instead of resorting to jungle justice in the the discharge of its task. Sections 8.3.7 (i) & (ii) of the CCII constitution provide for the Committee to bring any observation to affected Club’s attention allowing the Club to make amends within stipulated period. On receipt of your letter,  the Club replied within two days, confirming Shittu as its only candidate but the “independent”  Electoral Committee is trying to be intransigent as this normal course of action would defeat their ulterior motive of having only one competitor for post of President General. This malicious intention is unconstitutional and, if pursued till the end, will result in dire consequences thus destabilising CCII.

In another development, one Mrs Laide. Ogunmola of Ibadan Indigenes Love and Peace Ladies Club was invited for interview or screening on Monday March 11, 2019 by the Electoral Committee and came.  On the staircase, she was accosted by Yemi Soladoye. Because she is not a member of Ibadan Rebirth Group, Soladoye’s political machinery, Electoral Committee disqualified her without giving any reason. Neither was the Electoral Committee’s decision disqualifying her communicated to her or her Constituent club up till present time. The decision became known through the list pasted on the notice board at Ibadan House…

Another ploy being used by this compromised  “Electoral Committee” is falsification reports on Financial stand of each of these Constituent clubs in order to deny them the franchise of electing new set of leadership to steer the ship of CCII forward. At the February 1, 2019 general meeting, Soladoye’s Executive caused to distribute the status of each club which showed that Omo Aj’orosun Club was not owing as at 1st February 2019. Only  two weeks later, they created a ruse  of Omo Ajorosun Club not being up to date financially.

The question is at what stage did Electoral Committee and it’s paying masters wake up from the other side of the bed to discover this debt? In spite of the provocation, Omo Ajorosun officials had since reported at Ibadan House to clear all grey areas and the payment subsequently made has been treated as advance payment in our credit till the year 2019/2020. Why this diabolical tantrum one may ask?

CCII is now paying for  election campaigns of Soladoye and his favourites in his Rebirth Group as they litter CCII Secretariat Official WhatsApp with campaigns for many posts in the forthcoming elections on daily basis. This is most disgusting to say the least and reflects level of insider abuses going on within CCII that Soladoye is covering up by desperately preventing competition in many ways.


It is clear that this year’s CCII Electoral Committee has failed to measure up to standard of  previous ones. The Chairman has not shown  competence level matching  his antecedents  because of his bias and inadequate exposure in CCII matters. But to leave things as they are now will leave a permanent dent on CCII. Hence  he should be made to follow constitution provisions closely  and make amends by

(a) clearing Engr Shittu & Mrs Odunola and

(b) extending election date till June to take cognisance of the stipulated time in the constitution.

This heed  should be taken now by the Board of Trustees, Past President Generals and the General Assembly through an extra ordinary meeting to be called immediately. This will show fairness  to all parties and ensure a more stable CCII in future.

If this fails, circumstances may make disbanding of the Electoral Committee and replacing the Executives with a Caretaker Committee become. inevitable.

It is  imperative to say at this juncture, that our Elders in the B.O.T with the past President Generals of CCII should rise to the stem the tide now or never! This is not a threat but a course of action to nip the problem in the bud  and curb the emerging  excesses.  With due respect of our leaders, the current drift in CCII tends towards leading the apex organisation into extinction.

We should restore our  values and give  birth to new Executive that will champion and protect the culture and tradition of Ibadan and it’s people.

A stitch in time, saves nine….

Ibadan House is on the verge of extinction and drastic action is needed.

For further enquiries contact:

Lanre Ogundipe – 08061261966

and others on

08033640143 and 08165356695


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