Home Education UNPAID SALARY: Succour As FCE (Oyo) Lecturers Assist EACOED Colleagues With 64...

UNPAID SALARY: Succour As FCE (Oyo) Lecturers Assist EACOED Colleagues With 64 Bags Of Rice

EACOED staff during the presentation

Succour came the way of members of the College of Education Academic Staff Union, COEASU, at the Oyo state-owned Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, EACOED, Oyo, last week, as their colleagues at neighbouring Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo put smiles on their faces.

They donated 64 bags of rice to assist their colleagues who are said to be owed between 17 and 20 months salary arrears. Most of the tertiary institutions in the state are under lock and keys owing to many months of unpaid salary.

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One of the lecturers who preferred anonymity told OYO INSIGHT that “Things have become unbearable here. Most of us have practically become beggars. I don’t even think we have shame again. Those traders have sold things to us on credit and we dare not pass in front. Our children’s school fees is another thing. We dont have any hope. See, most of us ended up using our savings in cooperative societies to buy food stuffs. These 64 bags of rice came at the appropriate time.”

It would be recalled that staff and students of the institution have, at different times, protested the non-payment of salary which has paralyzed academic and non-academic activities in the school.

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