Home Education UI VC Race: Buhari Warns Against Manipulation, Threatens To Dissolve, Suspend Erring...

UI VC Race: Buhari Warns Against Manipulation, Threatens To Dissolve, Suspend Erring Party


President Muhammadu Buhari, on Tuesday, warned the governing council and the management of the University of Ibadan against manipulating the process of the appointment of a new vice-chancellor.

The president explained that his administration was worried by the avalanche of petitions, many bordering on serious allegations of bribery and corruption as well as disrespect for due process, in the course of selecting new vice-chancellors in some of our federal universities.

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Buhari, whose speech was read on his behalf by the executive secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC), Abubakar Rasheed, stated this during the 72nd foundation day and convocation ceremony of the university,

He maintained that his administration would not hesitate to dissolve or suspend any council or its leadership found wanting in observing due process.

He said as Nigeria’s premier university, the University of Ibadan is expected to live up to its billing by conducting open, transparent fair processes in the appointment of a new vice-chancellor.

The speech reads in part; “Government is determined to continue to fight corruption at all levels, including in our tertiary institutions. It is not useful to talk of adequate funding of education, if our universities are mired in crisis, confusion, fraud and lack of institutional vision…Government has set in motion several mechanisms to monitor the selection process with a view to taking appropriate measures to ensure that the processes are conducted in open, fair and transparent manner and that all violators are properly sanctioned.

“Government will not hesitate to dissolve or suspend all erring governing councils or university managements found to have fallen short of the standard expected of them as leaders of citadels of learning in our country. Pro-Chancellors, in their dual role as chairpersons of governing councils and chairpersons of the five-person selection committee for the appointment of vice-chancellors, must be prepared to bear full responsibility for the management or mismanagement of the process.”

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