Home Education UI: How Falase Who I Contested Against Made Me DVC — Bamiro

UI: How Falase Who I Contested Against Made Me DVC — Bamiro


A former vice-chancellor of the University of Ibadan, Professor Olufemi Bamiro, has revealed how Professor Ayodele Falase who he contested with for the position of VC appointed him deputy vice-chancellor.

Bamiro, who was VC between 2005 and 2010, succeeded Falase who was in the saddle between 2000 and 2004.

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He was reacting to a piece written by Mr Sunday Saanu, media aide to the outgoing VC, Prof. Idowu Olayinka.

The 10th Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan (UI), Prof. Olufemi Bamiro has reacted to a recent article entitled UI: IN SEARCH OF A NEW VICE CHANCELLOR , providing additional useful perspective to the subject matter.
Prof. Bamiro who was the UI VC between 2005 and 2010 in a telephone conversation said, “Saanu, I have just finished reading your brilliant article in one of the national newspapers and I will like to disagree with you a little about your conclusion”
“You concluded the article by saying, ” Whoever is picked must be supported in the interest of UI. Five years is like five months as time does not go like a vista. Whoever is appointed must be magnanimous in victory. He or she must immediately extend a hand of fellowship to his co-contestants, seeking their assistance and cooperation”
“This is a good idea, but I think you are sounding political. To me, whoever is appointed by Council should never see other contestants as “opponents”, rather, as compatriots with whom he or she must work to take UI to the next level. Let me give you an instance. I contested along with Prof. Ayodele Falase. When Prof. Falase won, he nominated me as his Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration). Some people wondered why should Prof. Falase nominate his opponent? But he said “this man is not my opponent , but a compatriot who has ideas that could help my administration”, Prof. Bamiro stated.
According to him, “this should be the orientation of anyone who emerges as the 13th VC. He or she must not see anyone as his opponent. Rather he should look around for all who have talents and zeal to tackle the challenges on ground. The person should immediately hit the ground running. The challenges of the 13th VC are many and new. It is when the person sits on that chair the first day that he will realize that there is a difference between a theory and a practice”
Prof. Bamiro stressed that the first question the 13th VC should ask himself is where are we? Where is UI? Where are we going? Are we ready to cope with the challenges of “New Normal”? Do we have capacity to engage in online teachings? The problems that the 13th VC will face will be different from ours because times have changed.
He urged the Council to be very painstaking in the selection process, saying out of the 12 or more candidates, the best of the best should be appointed in the overall interest of the University.
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