Home Opinion Re- Festus Adedayo’s “The Chickens Are Home To Roost” | Adebayo Mutalubi...

Re- Festus Adedayo’s “The Chickens Are Home To Roost” | Adebayo Mutalubi Ojo


My very reverred brother, as a matter of principles, I always refrained from joining issues with any of my friends in the media and or friends who are public commentators  in any manner whatsoever.

But, I think it is very apposite to suspend that golden rule for now to enable me make open contributions to your piece under reference.

Indeed you have only emphasised and restated mere truism concerning all the outgoing Governors.

But you will agree with me that the statement of facts which is not new or something extraordinarily is applicable to all office holders from career civil servants to monarchs to political and elective appointees and even to primary schools monitors, captains, class representatives etc

Indeed, the Prophet of Allah, Mohammed (PBUH) was quoted to have said of public offices and appointments as follows, “Were it to be permanent, will it ever get to our turn?”

Nothing in this world and I repeat NOTHING is permanent as our sojourn on earth itself is ephemeral.

I quite agree with you also on the transient nature of powers and its dissolution or vanishing into thin air immediately the tenure of the holder of the office lapses. It is in the first place a smokescreen for those who know. The prophet of Allah, Mohammed (PBOH) was also fond of saying that too.

When articles, opinions, editorials, features etc are written with sincerity of purpose and in the overall interest of public good, it is healthy for the development of any nation and the global peace and development.

However, the opposite is the case with the Nigerian Media Practitioners as 99 per cent of all the media outputs and products being churned out by them are mostly if not all, products of great compromises which have been influenced primarily by corruptible tendencies, cheap blackmail, extortion, intimidations, malice,bias, ill-will and unbridled affections.

In essence,  Nigerian media guys are hired and sponsored writers whose paymasters who are tucked somewhere dictate the tunes they play.

Arguably, Nigerian media is the most corruptible of all our sectors and it is closely followed by our law enforcement agencies, our Clerics, the academics and the judiciary in that order.

Now, please tell me how do we grow or develop this country in the situation that I have painted above?

Let me and your good self decide and choose to stand vertical in an obscene world of ours where all our other fellow citizens have chosen to lie horizontal.

Let me end this rejoinder of mine with that great and often cited  quotation of Mallam Othman Dan Fodio which goes thus,

“Conscience is an open wound,  and only the truth can heal it. Conscience nurtured by the truth”

I am not sure that you will publish this, but I am at least sure that you will read it and thus digest and ponder over it in your quiet moments.

Thank you.

Your friend and brother, Asiwaju Mutalubi Ojo Adebayo (OJ)


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