Home Opinion OYO 101: Makindenomics | Muftau Gbadegesin

OYO 101: Makindenomics | Muftau Gbadegesin


The myths that the administration of Engineer Seyi Makinde is an audio Government are crumbling. And that should unsettled oppositions in the state that perhaps, there is hard work to do and need to step up the game as race for Agodi house takes unpredictable twist and turn. Because within the space of two years, the ‘Omituntun’ brand of politics and policies thrusts continue to course through the state’s nook and cranny in a breathtaking, unprecedented albeit imperfect ways.

From various initiatives and interventions to infrastructural development evidenced in road projects across Ibadan to road expansions and reconstruction across major towns in the state coupled with various projects sited in the state hinterlands and remote areas, this administration appears serious and determined to walk its talk without leaving any stone unturned as race for 2023 elections inch closer.

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“Before I became governor”, Engineer Seyi Makinde told members of Pan Yoruba Congress in Ibadan “I contested three times. What then will be my fear? Why will I not do the right thing? I make bold to say that I am not encumbered in any way. I have no political godfather except God the father. God brought me to the position, so I am not afraid of anyone no matter how powerful that person is,”

That to me is a very powerful and instructive statement. We know Politicians hardly take issue of godfatherism and elections with levity. Yet we know the crux of GSM’s statement: that Senator Rashidi Ladoja, who was instrumental to the coalition that brought in the Governor is simply not his godfather and that his defection as it is being speculated and as his followers have done will not cost him politically. Of course, that statement should again ruffles oppositions feathers. Safe for the fact that, GSM statement might not be plausibly Political.

I coined ‘Makindenomics’ to explain the political philosophy and administrative approach of the Governor, Seyi Makinde. For one, and almost everyday, GSM style, whether in feats recorded or statement issued seems to leave oppositions bewildered. For instance, the sole ownership of LAUTECH may simply throw oppositions in bind as we approach next general election. Though the multi-campus proposal of that institution seems to draw some irks, yet, the artful way that sensitive issue was resolved is best described as legendary. Which essentially means the single-handed take over of that ivory tower by Oyo state Government might give oppositions a nerve wrecking job to do.

And when the news trickle in that the ancient Iseyin town is to house LAUTECH Faculty of Agriculture and Natural science, that gesture was also to be interpreted as a smart attempt by GSM to capture that vital Bloc of the state. The upgrading of EACOED (Emmanuel Alayande college of Education) Oyo to the status of University just this week is also not going down well with oppositions as well.

What this implies is simple: political calculation and permutations in the state, judging by people’s perceptions of this regime are not appearing as simple or straightforward or walk over as members of oppositions might want us to be. What’s more, to counter Makindenomics, oppositions will have to demonstrate they are capable of equaling and surpassing GSM’s Sterling performance. In other words, and as with every Philosophy, makindenomics is not perfect and from its imperfections, oppositions can turn the table.

OYO101, Muftau Gbadegesin’s opinion on issues affecting Oyo State, is published on Saturdays. He can be reached via muftaugbadegesin@gmail.com and 09065176850.

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