Home News JUST IN: Councilors Suspend Irepo LG Boss, Deputy

JUST IN: Councilors Suspend Irepo LG Boss, Deputy


The Chairman of Irepo Local Government of Oyo State, Mr Asif Adediran-Sulaiman, has been suspended by the council lawmakers who accused him of gross misconduct, high-handedness and lack of respect for party supremacy.

His suspension, according to Newspeakonline, was conveyed in an April 25 letter detailing the allegations against him for which he had been allegedly found guilty. It was signed by seven out of the 10 lawmakers in the council.

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The council’s Vice Chairman, Mrs Ojedele Adeyemo, was also suspended.

The lawmakers said they received a letter of ‘no confidence’ by the party executive dated April 24, 2019 in which he was accused of insubordination and anti-party activities. The party leaders accused the chairman of open declaration that he is no more a member of the APC.

The council lawmakers accused the suspended Local Government boss of running the council as if it was his personal business, and disregard for the rule of law.

They also rated as poor, his relationship with the Head of Local Government Administration (HLA) and other career officers and workers in the council.

The APC state secretariat and the Commissioner for Local Governments were copied in the letter.

Adediran-Sulaiman was unavailable for comment when OYO INSIGHT called his airtel line.


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