Home Opinion GSM Team: Learning From “A Daidata Sahu” Model | Isiaka Kehinde

GSM Team: Learning From “A Daidata Sahu” Model | Isiaka Kehinde

“The reason why national stability is an illusion in Nigeria, is because we have failed so far to define the social question in both social and political terms…Senator Mahmood Waziri.
A Russian-American writer, Ayn Rand defines Politics as “application of Ethics in solving social question’. Though, I have read a thousand or more definitions of politics and democracy from different popular authors, I tend to accept Ayn Rand,s simple definition as most apt.
Yesterday night when reading plethoras of beautifully scripted  congratulatory messages on social  media and tommes of encomiums being poured on the  people newly appointed to serve in GSM’s government, one question that kept pullutating my mind till sleep punctuated my chains of thought, is ” Wither Ethics”? If values build up a viable society and shape human progress, it follows logically, that we must not put Ethics in the rear seat in our quest for entrenching a value based society which, from all available indices is the target of the present administration.
Hence, We should spare no efforts to separate Governance from politics of WIIFU (what is in for us) which was stressed in Harold Laswell’s title, which itself bears it all “Politics: Who gets what, when, How?. The essence of governance is a practical demonstration of value ethics, not a selfish grab for power, glory and riches. (Apology to Markl).
Permit me to hatchback to 2009, when  invited Dr Ibrahim Shekarau,  the former Governor of Kano state on Thursday 10th December, to the public presentation of the Ethics Magazine at the Merit House. I found most enrinching his key note address which I think would be useful for us . He said, to wit.
“Every society that must reach its stated heights must have certain sacred and abiding values. Soon, after after I assumed office, we set up the Kano state societal re-orientation program which is known in Hausa Language as “A Daidata Sahu”. Permit me to state to this gathering that the program has revolutionised the way we do things in Kano state “.
In this defining moment, when in Oyo state, we are desirous to revamp our tottering economy, set the vehicle of qualitative education in motion, mainstream transparency in the governnance system, fight corruption to a standstill, emplace work-ethics and address social drift and focus on right priorities and progress etc as stated by GSM himself, we must not only preach ethics, we must practice and make it a habit. That’s the best way we can move the state forward in line with the dream of the forward looking Governor.
I  hereby, once again FELICITATE with the new  appointees , and wish  a very successful tenure. Omi tuntun ti ru…
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