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Government Working To Meet Demands Of Youths, Says Sunday Dare As Lead Generation Initiative Visits


The Minister of Youth and Sports, Mr. Sunday Dsre, has reiterated the fact that government is working to meet the aspirations of the youth and paying attention to their demands.

“I support fully the aspirations of our Youth for a better and humane treatment by the police and a stop to youth profiling. The youth mostly are the everyday victims of police harassments, illegal arrests and detentions and violation of rights. Our rights must be defended and not decimated. Their voices have been heard and President Buhari has gone to work for the Nigerian youth as seen in the several steps and directives issued for reforms,” he said.

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The minister stated this when the Lead Generation Initiative, LGI, visited him in his office to discuss and put forward their recommendations aimed at establishing sustainable solutions to the recurring cases of police brutality.

The recommendations put forward by Chief (Mrs) Ayobola Peller the executive director of Lead Generation Initiative included: Open a sustained channel of engagement with the NPF in halting unprofessional activities of personnel, Initiate a police-citizens engagement monitoring team to report cases of police extortion & harassment, Follow through on govt outlined guidelines on police reform, Push for proper funding, remuneration and insurance scheme for police officers, Emergency centres for reporting police harassment on youth and Policy rewarding citizens who expose corruption in the police force.

Dare, in his response, appreciated their efforts, stating that their visit was indeed timely. In his words “your suggestions and recommendations will be conveyed to the government. Reforms of the Police is most desirable. The youth of this country have spoken and we have heard their voices.

“Government will work accordingly to ensure their aspirations are met,” he added.

This is just as he promised to work with the initiative and other youth groups to ensure the youth are partners with government.

He further mentioned that with various opportunities are being made available for the youth including training on leadership like the one the Lead Generation Initiative has put together, “ it is necessary that youth apply themselves to the opportunities made available by government.

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