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Continue Your Life Of Service To Humanity — Lanlehin Salutes Alao-Akala At 70


Senator Olufemi Lanlehin (SOLAN), has felicitated former Oyo State governor, Otunba Christopher Adebayo Alao-Akala, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, today 3 June, 2020.

Lanlehin, who represented Oyo South Senatorial District between 2011 and 2015, and was the governorship candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC), in the 2019 polls, in a congratulatory message to the Ogbomoso-born politician, described him as a consumate, focused and pragmatic individual, whose love for his people is well captured in his pro-people disposition, and their reciprocation of same formidable in their unrelenting support for him.

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“Former Governor Alao-Akala, without a shadow of doubt, is a political warlord, one whose understanding of the political dynamics of Oyo State is legendary,” Lanlehin noted.

Recounting the life of service and dedication to good causes which Otunba Alao-Akala has been living, which has seen him elected as a local government chairman, deputy governor, and governor of Oyo State, Lanlehin added that aspiring and practising politicians have a lot to learn from Otunba Alao-Akala’s mastery of the tenor and nuances of politics, to stay relevant at all times.

Describing him as a lovable personality, one devoted to the socio-economic cum political emancipation of his people, a trait evident in his administrative style as Oyo State governor from 2007 to 2011, which earned him the monicker “Oyato”, Lanlehin saluted his ingenuity and dexterity, which has helped him weather all storms of life, from infancy, to an enviable age of 70.

While wishing Otunba Alao-Akala, fondly referred to as “Omo Iya Alaro”, very many years in good health and great wealth, Lanlehin urged him to continue dedicating his life to the service of humanity and the advancement of good governance, like he has been doing for such a very long time.

Senator Lanlehin (SOLAN) wishes His Excellency, Otunba Christopher Adebayo Alao-Akala, happy celebrations.

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