Statista Partners Dataphyte To Offer Global Access To Nigerian Datasets


    Dataphyte Limited, the research and analytics company and publishers of Nigeria’s leading data journalism platform, and global data firm Statista Ltd, have signed a Content Cooperation Partnership.

    The partnership gives Statista access to the use of data and reports made available by Dataphyte through its acknowledged data portal and socio-economic reporting platform. The partnership will expand Statista’s commitment to providing real-time insightful data from Africa’s largest economy to the global audience.

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    This is part of Statista’s series of cooperation agreements targeted at increasing data about Africa’s social, economic and political ecosystem on its global online business platform.

    Dataphyte’s mission to increase access to socioeconomic data of Nigeria and beyond connects with this vision of Statista of offering real-time data to support businesses and researchers with neatly curated data and actionable insights. This partnership coincides with the time Dataphyte itself is launching the first of its kind data merchant platform to reach beyond the shores of Nigeria.

    Dataphyte brings valuable insight into Nigeria to the Statista platform. As we expand our coverage on Africa, we look to great partners like Dataphyte to keep our readers informed about the state of the nation in numbers. Together, we look forward to sharing more insights and facts on the topics that take us deeper into Nigeria’s story of development.” Christopher Ekwuruke, Strategic Data Partnerships, Statista.

    Dataphyte has a vast database of socioeconomic and development focused data from Nigeria which it updates regularly. Some of the data is sold on its data merchandisewebsite and explanatory articles published on its news website,

    About Dataphyte

    Dataphyte is Nigeria’s niche media, data and analytics organisation with the tripartite mission to provide access to Africa’s socio-economic and development data, to offer data-driven insights and analyses that support public and private sector decision making, and to train the next generation of data service professionals through its data science education.

    The data journalism platform provides data insights and analyses of the Nigerian economy, security and socio-political and development themes. The website also provides data-driven solutions, fact-checking and advocacy content through compelling conversations, visualisations and other multimedia communication. Dataphyte also runs Dataplex and Open storeas web platforms dedicated to offering paid and free socioeconomic and financial data.

    About Statista

    With more than one million statistics, Statista is one of the world’s leading data platforms for strategic market analysis, statistics and editorial research results. offers direct access to data on 80,000 topics and 170 industries from over 22,500 sources. 1.5 million registered users get access to reliable, quantitative facts, which are compiled according to scientific standards from aggregated data, exclusive secondary sources and own surveys.​​​​​​​


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