Home News VIEWPOINT: TEGBE – Everywhere You Go | Adeyanju Adeyemi

VIEWPOINT: TEGBE – Everywhere You Go | Adeyanju Adeyemi


Perhaps the most compelling reason why people must exhibit high level of integrity and build positive reputation is the fact that when by Jove they take a bite at politics,  their past will  not pass out but stand out to speak for them. Reputation is the most essential asset any man can relish. It informs public perception and is founded on action, not words.  

Coming from corporate world,  Engineer Joseph Olasunkanmi Tegbe, now the leading governorship aspirant in APC today,  actually understand how important corporate reputation is and must have leveraged on that to carve a personal identity that has obviously propelled him in good light in the estimation of the good people of Oyo State.  That he has been able to combine corporate reputation culture with his glittering carrier and personal values has earned him a benefit beyond reputation which he is currently enjoying.  

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One thing that is crystal clear is that good reputation is not done on adhoc basis, it’s a product of individual painstaking efforts to achieve a desired goal for both personal and collective interest. As a brand that enjoys good reputation always builds investors confidence and enhances it’s consumers image, so it is for a politician with good moral standing like Engineer Tegbe who has redefined politics in Oyo state as a game that should not be characterised by character less people.  

He has within the short period of declaring his intention penetrated every household like a new product which must be on the menu in every home. Where others on early arrival are fast loosing their shine, Engineer Joseph Olasunkanmi Tegbe keeps shining like a diamond in the clear sky.  

The end of politics according to political philosophers  must be its value. TEGBE has not only entered the race by flaunting his values where some aspirants communicate their intentions with the power of money, he has by virtue of his ranking as the cynosure of all eyes raised the political bar.  This is a political feat that others turning politics to a sort of feast will never attain. What is now glaring is that even those who don’t know him from adams have started demanding to know who he is and those who are familiar with him always rejoice for carrying on their head a  sackless and marketable product  which is desired by all, fresh and verdant.  

Engineer Joseph Olasunkanmi Tegbe has that internal finality in his willingness to enthrall the people who he has promised will make their government work. This internal finality in the words of Bergson Henri “cohere for the greater good of the whole.” There is no need to raise any doubt of whether Engineer TEGBE is physically and emotionally prepared for the uphill task ahead.  His actions have shown clearly that he is tailor-made to carry on the good legacies of “Koseleri governor” in Oyo state.  

He has organized himself intelligently for this end.  No wonder you see the imprint of TEGBE,  just like in the slogan of MTN-“everywhere you go”.  As only good brand survives in a global competitive environment,  we don’t have to settle for a second best or any “lesser evil” where a man of no blemish and truly the best is in the race.  It’s Engineer Joseph Olasunkanmi Tegbe, “everywhere you go”

Adeyemi writes from Igbo-Ora, headquarters of Ibarapa Central local government.


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