Home Opinion Beyond Rhetoric: Oyo State On A Journey Of Economic Self-reliance | Ògúnwoyè...

Beyond Rhetoric: Oyo State On A Journey Of Economic Self-reliance | Ògúnwoyè Samson Gbémiga


A cross-examination of development strategies across the world would point to one main fact, sustainable developments are always driven from within. The above assertion corroborates the Yoruba dictum that says “An egg that breaks from within produces chick, but an egg that breaks from outside becomes useless”. Growth or development, anyone we choose to call it is workably a product of articulation among the internal political and socio-economic forces.

China, after independence in 1949, embraced about 20 years of autarky and in which The Chinese internally set the pace for what we are seeing in the world today. The rapid development of the Four Asian Tigers was considered a 20th century’s Miracle, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan embraced their internal dynamics to enable export oriented policies, premium importance was also placed on education.

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The approach of Governor Seyi Makinde to the arrangement of internal socioeconomic forces has made many persons to confuse him for a Development Expert though truly GSM, as he’s fondly called, is an Engineer but his approach to development comfirmed his versatility. He’s dexterously toeing a path that has led many societies to unprecedented breakthrough.

Every society needs resources to expedite actions on development which makes revenue generation a critical cum vocal point in governance. Revenues are either generated internally or externally though a State doesn’t have control over external revenue as it fluctuates with the vagaries of time especially in a Rentier Country like Nigeria but the revenue generated internally could serve as a backbone of States’ economy as it could be placed under adequate monitoring and control.

As Makinde’s administration is vigorously striving to revive the lost glory of Oyo State and to set a new pace, he has shown that he truly understands the efficacy of Oyo State economic dynamics as he makes various decisions and policies that are capable of reawakening the internal economy of the State and increase the internal revenue generation.

The Park Management System introduced by GSM is a world class standard of transportation system, noting that no prudent society leaves a critical sector like the transportation sector in the hand of unproductive elements but harness the potentials in such sector to generate internal revenue and create employments. The bold step taken on transportation management is really a blessing to the economy with the expected revenues from the scheme to be substantially used in the construction of new roads, repair of damaged ones and building of other infrastructures across the State.

The ongoing construction of four Bus Terminals is closely related to the Park Management system. The terminals, upon completion, would allow the transport managers to adequately manage and coordinate transportation activities & this has three-fold benefits with the commuters and their goods find it easier to get transported, the drivers have proper access to passengers with a smoother sail of traffic while the government will a have proper records of transport activities, transporters and an improved revenue generation. Different stcutures built within the terminals are also expected to further boost the economic and social activities of the state while the multiplier effects to the common man is bound to be overwhelming!

One major sector of economy neglected by Governments at all level is Solid Mineral, the Federal Government is carried away with Liquid Mineral while some states left Solid Minerals for bandits and aliens but this present Administration in Oyo State is rewriting the narration as the renewed commitment to the excavation of Igbeti Marble and various other solid minerals under the newly established Ministry Of Energy and the supporting agency would improve the internal revenues of the state. At the end, the value chain in the mining sector would create good numbers of employments for Oyo Citizens.

The Farm Estate innovation is another path to self reliance in food production which is a critical sector in economy, we would be producing what we are consuming and the excess products would be exported for more revenues. Development without adequate security is not sustainable, the Present Administration in Oyo State has also exerted enormous efforts to protect lives and properties of Oyo citizens with the beautiful security related policies being implemented to ensure all forms of insecurity becomes a total bygone in Oyo State.

Conclusively, the rejuvenation of BCOS would create league of informed citizens who would be partners in developmental process and the commitment of Makinde’s administration to proper Education and Working Primary Healthcare System is surely bound to increase the level of literacy and lifespan of individuals in the State.These surely are indicators of good developments everywhere across the globe.

Finally, Just like China did it under Great Chairman Mao, Singapore did it under Lee Kuan Yew, Ọ̀yọ́ State will do it under Oluwaloseyi the son of Makinde, at this point, I have decided to be a partner in progress on the journey to economic self-reliance, what about you?

Ògúnwoyè Samson Gbémiga (Ogunsamson), writes from Ògbómòsọ́, Ọ̀yọ́ State.

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