Home Opinion The Nigerian Society And The Depreciating Moral System | Kunle Sotibi

The Nigerian Society And The Depreciating Moral System | Kunle Sotibi



Back in the days when buttocks are at the back, young girls go to the stream without fear, not that strange things don’t happens in those days but they are of little occurrence and done in secrecy. Day by day, the moral system is deprecating, things are falling apart and what the eyes have seen and what the ears have heard seems unspeakable by the mouth.

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Those days where smokers don’t smoke in public, they smoke in hidden places but now, smokers don’t care about their identity anymore to the extent that this ridiculous act is now being exhibited in a school environment. They smoke all kind of toxic substances without shame, what a shame! Morals and decency are on the exit path greeting the Nigerian society goodbye.

The cyber crime syndrome popularly called ”yahoo yahoo” has been in existence for a long time, at start the people doing the act hid their heads and protect their identity, they were not proud of the indecent act but gradually the story changed and shamefulness entered the incoming fraudsters, cyber crime then becomes a profession widely celebrated. In those days, matured men were involved but now majority of them are teenagers.

Those days when indecent dressing is so unpopular, the society then condemns those who dress indecently in public and they walk in shame but unfortunately, what majority of the males go for are ladies who walk half-naked in public. Fashion and civilization has blinded morals and it can’t see any longer. Nudity has become fashion, what a pity!

Examination malpractice has grown as well, parents no longer see it as a big deal buying results for their children, many of them go as far as taking their children to a ”special centre” an examination centre where examination malpractice exist. So unbelievable that even in tertiary institutions, students lobby for marks both in kind and in cash. Recently, the issue of sex for mark from lecturers flooded our hearings.

Pick any copy of the dailies, there will be at least one story of a rape issue, one old man rapes a young girl or one young boy raped by a forty years old woman, pathetic stories all around, not that these crimes never existed in previous years but it is increasing day by day to the extent that it is no longer done in secrecy. Our society is gradually or has become an insane society where bad acts is seen as not a big deal, where morals is blurry and gradually disappearing.

The question of what can we do is in the hands of two set of people: the society and the government- The society have to cleanse their minds and reinstate morality into their homes, if sanity is back in the homes, it will be transferred to other areas of the society – The government, they need to make the environment palatable for the masses, if there are good infrastructures, good educational system, good health system and so on, the crime rate and activities will reduce drastically. Many claimed to have been in these immoral acts due to financial problem and due to mental illness.

Before drawing the curtain on this germane issue which hits our society really hard, immorality has grown wings, flying around and infecting the society with immoral acts, to survive — we need to bring back the part of our culture which preaches morality.



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