Home Education OYSCATECH Council Chair, 9 Others Listed For Nigerian Academy of Science Award

OYSCATECH Council Chair, 9 Others Listed For Nigerian Academy of Science Award



The Governing Council Council Chairman for Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora, Prof. Lateef Sanni has been listed among the beneficiaries of this year’s Nigerian Academy of Science Award.

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The President, the Nigerian Academy of Science, Prof. Mosto Onuoha in a Guardian Newspaper Publication on Thursday, November 5, 2020 listed Prof. Lateef Sanni alongside nine others as beneficiaries of this year’s award.

The awardees include; Prof. Lawrence Ezemonye, Prof. Ibrahim Garba, Prof Grace Omotosho, Prf. Adenike Oladiji and Dr. Ogbonoya Onu. Others are Prof. Obina Onwujekwe, Prof Babatunde Salako, Prof. Babafemi Taiwo, Prof. Augustine Ubachukwu and Prof. Lateef Sanni.
The Presentation of the Nigerian Academy of Science Gold Medal Award and Lecture will hold on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at Reiz Continental Hotel, Abuja.

Prof. Olugbenga Bello, a Professor of Chemistry, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso is expected to deliver the lecture titled; Utilizing Agricultural Waste Materials as Absorbents in scavenging synthetic dyes from industrial effluents.

Prof. Lateef Sanni who is among the awardees is the Governing Council Chairman for Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora.
Prof. Sanni is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria and President, International Society for Tropical Root Crops.

Prof. Lateef Oladimeji Sanni is currently the Project Manager for Building an Economically Sustainable, Integrated Cassava Seeds System Phase II (BASICS II).

He is the Chairman, Steering Committee of African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD).

Prof. Sanni was the immediate past Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development), Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB).
He has thirty years’ experience in research, consultancy and collaborations as post-harvest expert on tropical roots crops mostly implemented by Natural Resources Institute, United Kingdom, Association of African Universities, Council of Agricultural Research Forum, West and Central Council for Agricultural Development and International Institute of Tropical Root Crop with over seventy overseas trips to six continents.

Prof. Sanni graduated from the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta with Bachelor of Science degree; Second Class Upper Division in the Department of Food Science and Technology in 1990. He obtained Masters and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degrees at the Department of Food Technology, University of Ibadan in February 1993 and April 1999 respectively.

The distinguished Prof. Sanni received Harvard Business School, Boston, USA training on Leading Change and Organizational Renewal from 17th to 22nd March, 2013.

Prof. Sanni joined the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (UNAAB), now FUNAAB in 1993 as an Assistant Lecturer and became Professor of Food Science and Technology in 2008.
As a distinguished scholar, Prof. Sanni has published over 109 Technical Journal articles; 30 Books, and 30 Conference proceedings. He has supervised in collaboration with colleagues well over 100 undergraduates, 17 Masters and 24 PhD students. Prof. Sanni is globally cited with 3,809.
He successfully served as the Country Manager for Nigeria in a Five-Country project, Cassava: Adding Value for Africa II (CAVA and CAVA II) projects sponsored by Bill and Melinda gates Foundation from 2008 to March 31, 2019.

Professor Lateef Sanni won World Bank Facility for Academic Staff of Universities to the Natural Resources Institute, Kent, UK in 1995.

The International Foundation for Science, Sweden, launched Prof Sanni as a leading contributor to multi-million dollar projects on cassava since 1999.

The erudite Professor was the leader (Food Processing and Value Addition), Centre of Excellence in Agriculture and sustainable environment in 2013 for the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
Prof. Lateef served as the Resource Person, World Bank Sponsored project titled “Upscaling the Nigerian Flash Drying Experience for Sustainable Regional Trade and Income generation in West Africa”(Ghana, Benin Republic, Sierra-Leone, Nigeria).

He also served as the Country Manager for European Union-African Caribbean Pacific (EU-ACP) Science Technology Capacity Building Project, Nov 2009 till October, 2012 in collaboration with the Greenwich University/Natural Resources Institute, Chatham.
His wealth of experience made him to serve as Project Coordinator, Cassava Value Chain Development project in West Africa, covering Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Benin Republic; a three-year project, sponsored by the Common Fund for Commodities from August 2008 to March, 2012 and implemented by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, (IITA) Ibadan, Nigeria.

Prof. Sanni has won several awards some of which include; the 2008 Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Award, Regional Technology Development in Sub Saharan Africa, Outstanding Award-2006 Academic Accomplishment by Junior Chambers International, Abeokuta, Gateway Hotel, Abeokuta, Nigeria and the best Oral Presenter Award at the 7th African Crops Science Conference organized by African Crops Science Society, Entebbe, Uganda in December 2005.

Prof. Sanni also won Research Productivity Award (Senior Academic Category) in January 2011 and Most Outstanding International Ambassador Award of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta in January 2012 and FUNAAB Students’ Union Award of Excellence in May 2013.

He was an editorial board member of the International Journal of Food Science and Technology from 2005 to 31st July, 2015 and is currently serving as reviewer to so many international journals in the world.

As a true ambassador and alumnus of FUNAAB, Prof. Lateef Sanni was a member, Governing Board of FUNAAB and former Dean, College of Food Science and Human Ecology, FUNAAB.

Prof. Lateef Sanni facilitated the donation of Modern Garri Processing Factory worth sixteen Million Naira to the Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora on the bill of Cassava Adding Value for Africa II.

The Governing Council Chairman of OYSCATECH, Igboora, Prof. Lateef Sanni is a seasoned scholar, dynamic leader, Postharvest innovator on cassava and root crop development, a facilitator on enhancement of skills for early career scientists, and consultant to Federal Government of Nigeria on Cassava Value Chain, NGOs and international bodies like FAO,UNIDO and IITA.


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