Home Crime Land Owners Beg Makinde, IGP To Rescue Them From Guru Maharaji

Land Owners Beg Makinde, IGP To Rescue Them From Guru Maharaji


Mr and Mrs Victor Oyewole, Sub-division of Plot 2, Onireke GRA Ibadan, Oyo State and others whose landed properties at the Toll Gate, Ibadan are not being allowed to develop as a result of an alleged conspiracy and exhibition of dictatorial tendencies by the Ibadan Spiritual Warlord, Saj Guru Maharaj Ji who allegedly detests structural development of buildings very close to his temple with mission to forcibly seize the land.

Alleging Maharaj Ji’s of kicking out developers by force or making life very uncomfortable for such developers, Mr & Mrs Victor Oyewole and other victims have cried out to Governor Seyi Makinde and the Inspector General of Police, IGP, Usman Alkali Baba to rescue them from injustice and cheating being meted on them by the warlord.

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Their grievances was contained in an Open Letter with the title “OPEN LETTER TO HIS EXCELLENCY, OYO STATE GOVERNOR, ENGR. SEYI MAKINDE & THE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE, USMAN ALKALI BABA” signed by Mr & Mrs Victor Oyewole on 29th April, 2021 and directed to the two constituted authorities.

The letter stated as thus:


From Mr & Mrs Victor Oyewole Sub-division of Plot 2 Onireke GRA Ibadan 29th April, 2021


I bought the Land situated along Lagos – Ibadan Expressway, Odo Ona Kekere Oluyole Local Government Ibadan measuring approximately 8270.858 square meters on 16th September, 2015, the land having previously acquired and purchased the same from Mr. and Mrs Akinwumi Bankole Oshinowo.

The land was previously settled on by Aladorin from the time immemorial while Raji Agboola (Family Head) Owode Asabi , Faramade Alari and Lamidi Akanji acting for Aladorin Family of S1/ 19 Aladorin Compound Oke Kudeti sold the said land to Mrs Cecilia Adenike Osinowo vide a Deed of Conveyance dated 11th November 1977 and registered as 19/19/2216. Mrs Cecilia caused the land to be surveyed before erecting a cement block wall fence and allowed Baba Chika Igbo Man to be farming on the land until the land was purchased by Mr and Mrs Oyewole on 16th September 2015.

Mrs Cecilia Adenike Osinowo thereafter donated all the rights and interest in the land to Mr. and Mrs Akinwumi Bankole Osinowo vide a Power of Attorney dated 1st March 2006 and this was registered as 22/22/3468. They allowed Baba Chika to continue the farming on the land.

I purchased the land with the aim of establishing a Feed Mill on the land and efforts were made to commence the drilling of a Bore Hole on 23rd March 2016. Global Borehole Company was employed but the drilling was interrupted by Devotees and Worshipers from Guru Maharaj Ji Village harmed with dangerous weapons such as guns, cutlasses, Clubs and attacked every effort to commence works at the Site.

They seized mobile phone to prevent recording of their actions, damaged equipments, damaged all the cements and demolished the wall been built. All the workers were chased away.

Building materials worthy thousands of naira damages were wasted. Case was instigated against one of the Maharaj Ji thugs who perpetrated the crime at Toll Gate Ibadan Police Station case ref: M1/420/2016. However after the protracted case, Maharaj Ji’s lawyers produced a letter from the University Teaching Hospital dated 1 November 2016, the letter purported that Kokumo Gboyero is mentally ill, hence the case was terminated and no payments were made for the damages. This shows the level of corruption in the country as “untouchable big people always use the medical personnel to get away from crimes committed”

2021 – Works commenced on the 18th February 2021, the Borehole was dug, Plumber commenced the installation of submersible pump, 5000 litres of Water Tank was installed at the site – pipes were installed to transferred water to building section, Various building materials were assembled at the site but the Maharaj Ji’s thugs appeared on the 20th February 2021 advising everyone to pack up and never to return, the Head of the Maharaj Ji’s adherents is Seye and they promised that all materials on the site would be destroyed. I received an urgent call and I pleaded with Seye to wait for discussion on Monday and to refrain from destroying all works at the site.

However, on Monday 22nd February, on getting to the site, it was found that all materials have been destroyed and vandalized, Water Pumps was removed from the Borehole, Water Tanks were removed, all plumbing pipes damaged, water hoses taken away and all spades and other building equipment were removed.

We arrived on Site and was amazed by the level of destruction, Seye and many Maharaj Ji’s thugs appeared on the site with cutlasses and other dangerous weapons, my assistant rushed to the Lagos – Ibadan Expressway to call the attention of some military men passing, that our lives are in danger, they responded, came into the site and found many Maharaj Ji’s thugs with dangerous weapon who immediately started disappearing into the nearby forest. Seye waited and pleaded that he would recover all the items stolen and it would be better to discuss the matter with Sat Guru Maharaj Ji than making it a Police case. He was not arrested because of his pleading but the matter was reported at the Toll Gate Police Station. The total damages at the site was over N600, 000.

In view of the promise made by Maharaj ji Personal Assitant and head of the thugs who oversees all destruction that he would arrange a meeting to have the matter resolved, we went back to site and replaced all the items taken away such as : submersible pumps, Water tanks, water pipes, spades, buckets, water hose for transporting water and now employed Night Guards at the site staff working keeps on as Day Guards.

Works commenced and the Plumber replaced all the plumbing pipes, submersible pumps, two Generators were taken to the site. Hence, the commencement of the building of perimeter wall around the site commenced.

On the 26th March, I received an emergency call from the Night Guards at the site who were beaten to pulp, that Maharaj Ji’s thugs numbering over 50 (adherents) appeared in the middle of the night, tied up the guards with the rope removed from the Submersible pump, removed the submersible pump, removed all the newly laid pipes, removed the two generators at the site, demolished all the perimeter wall being built, tried to set alight the Cements remaining at the site. Baba Grace, a farmer around the site, kept his water pumping machine at our Shed, this was also removed. Building buckets, spades, hose, electrical materials, carpentry materials left at the shed by the Carpenter were all removed. Over 6500 cement blocks specially made were all damaged.

The guards called for help in the morning and they were untied, the photograph of the wall demolished were taken and the matter was reported at the Toll Gate Police Station who confirmed that they are forbidden of going into Maharaj Ji Compound to make arrests. Payments were made to the guards on the 25th March and since the incidents occurred in the night of 25th – 26th March, all payments to the guards were seized.

Since then works have been stopped because all materials, building equipment, generators, artisans equipment all have been stolen or removed to stop the works permanently.

Sat Guru Maharaj Ji is definitely above the law because the Police confirmed that ” no police man could go into his compound”, because instructions would be sent from Abuja that such “errant policeman” be punished, hence he is absolutely above the laws.

The Policemen confirmed that he has many cases currently against ” Sat Guru Maharaj Ji” worshippers/thugs at the courts, he has hundreds of followers living in his compound through which he enforces his own brand of law to prevent any developmental around his Temple, any such development would be destroyed and fake “hospital letters” would be produced by his “lawyers” if any of the worshippers is caught.

From observation, he enforces ” virgin lands all around his Temple by forcefully evicting nearby land owners, he would eventually take over such land, he has hundreds of devotees who would do the forced evictions without Sat Guru Maharaj Ji showing up himself or personally entangled clever cheat.

I am now appealing to His Excellency ,The Executive Governor of Oyo State to call Sat Guru Maharaj Ji to order and for the AIG of Police to take necessary action against this man who is a Warlord terrorizing all developers around the Toll Gate Ibadan. Every Developer around the area has one story or another to say about the thuggery activities resulting directly from Sat Guru Maharaj ji. Nigeria would remain under-developed when Maharaj Ji and his worshippers could take the law into their own hands for many years and the Government and the Police said he is untouchable. Boko Haram of Oyo State.

Mr & Mrs Victor Oyewole

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