Home Education JUST IN: UI To Hold 2020/21 First Semester Virtually

JUST IN: UI To Hold 2020/21 First Semester Virtually


The management of the University of Ibadan has announced that the first semester of its 2020/21 academic session will be held virtually.

The management made the announcement in a press release on Friday morning.

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OYOINSIGHT.COM had yesterday reported that the institution had cancelled its 2019/20 session, replacing it with 2020/21.

The statement read:

Second Semester

One Week for Processing of Examination Results
for Final and Non-final Years Mon.18/01/21– Fri.22/01/21

Two Weeks for Meetings of Faculty Boards
of Examiners for Consideration of
Second Semester Final and Non-Final Year Results Mon. 25/01/21 – Fri. 05/02/21

One Week for Senate Meetings for the Consideration
of First and Second Semester Results Mon.15/02/21 – Fri.19/02/21

End of 2018/2019 Academic Session
Commencement of 2020/2021 Session Monday, 22/02/21

Postgraduate students to resume along with the undergraduate students

Senate also approved the academic Calendar for 2020/2021 academic Session as follows:

Approved Academic Calendar for 2020/2021 Session
First Semester
13 weeks for Virtual Teaching/Revision Mon.22/02/21– Fri.21/05/21

Matriculation Ceremony Tues 16/03/21
One week for the Finalization of Continuous
Assessment Mon. 17/05/21– Fri.21/05/21

GES Examinations Mon. 24/05/21– Fri.28/05/21

Two Weeks for Examinations in Faculties
of Education, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine,
Technology, Law, Agriculture, Renewable
Natural Resources, Clinical Sciences,
Dentistry, Basic Medical Sciences,
Public Health Mon.31/05/21 – Fri. 11/06/21

Two Weeks for Examinations in
other Faculties Mon.14/06/21– Fri.25/06/21

Two Weeks for Processing of First Semester
Examination Results Mon. 28/06/21 – Fri.09/07/21

Opening of Portal for Online Registration for
Returning Students Sat. 20/02/21– Fri. 16/04/21

Second Semester

13 Weeks for Teaching/Revision Mon.12/07/21 – Fri.08/10/21

Two Weeks for Meetings of Faculty Boards
of Examiners to Consider First Semester
Non-Final Year Results Mon. 19/07/21– Fri.30/07.21

Senate Meeting for the Consideration of
First Semester Non-Final Year Results Tue.10/08/21

One Week for the Finalization of
Continuous Assessment Mon.04/10/21 – Fri.08/10/21

GES Examinations Mon.11/10/21 – Fri.15/10/21

Two Weeks for Examinations in Faculties
of Education, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine,
Technology, Law, Agriculture, Renewable
Natural Resources, Clinical Sciences,
Dentistry, Basic Medical Sciences,
Public Health Mon.18/10/21 – Fri.29/10/21

Two Weeks for Examinations in
Other Faculties Mon01/11/21.– Fri.12/11/21

Two Weeks for Processing of Results Mon.15/11/21– Fri.26/11/21

Two Weeks for Meetings of Faculty
Boards of Examiners (Final and
Non-Final Year Results) Mon.29/11/21 – Fri.10/12/21

Senate Meetings for the Consideration
of Final and Non-Final Year
Results Tues.21/12/21 & Wed.22/12/21

Two Weeks for End of Session Break Wed.23/12/21– Fri.07/01/22

In approving the Calendar, Senate noted the prevailing circumstances occasioned by the second
wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to comply with the protocols established for the
control of the spread of the pandemic.

It, therefore, agreed that the 2020/2021 First Semester
lectures will be delivered online. In this regard, students will not be accommodated on campus.

Senate also approved the cancellation of the 2019/2020 session. The next session is, therefore,
renamed 2020/2021 Academic Session. Consequently, students who have been admitted for the
2019/2020 session will now be regarded as the 2020/2021 intakes.

Kindly note that online opening of Registration Portal and Orientation Programme for the
2020/2021 intakes may commence ahead of the Sat 20/02/21 date indicated above.


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